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Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air - new life blossoming everywhere as we look forward to being released from the current restrictions!

Other things are springing to life in the area. Stoke St Gregory now has a pair of Electric Vehicle Chargers installed at their village hall and North Curry Parish Council has applied for a grant for the same to be installed in our hall car park; perhaps by the time you read this article the project will be making progress. Stoke has also instigated a group to look for ways to improve their carbon footprint and the general local environment. We wish them well and have agreed to cooperate with them as and where we can. Here is their website for further information, which also includes a link to the Community Carbon Calculator.

For ourselves, we are holding our 2021 AGM with a very short, relevant entertaining film on

Wednesday, April 21st at 7.30 pm by Zoom; please get in touch for the necessary link if you’d like to join with us. This will also be available on our website, go to our Events page to RSVP!

Later in the year, in September when, we hope, such things will be permissible, we will be showing a forward-looking film, 2040, which looks at how the world might look if people grasp the issues and take urgent action to reduce climate change and other environmental catastrophes.

For more information contact: Brian on 490623 or email

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